I spent some time last night talking to the marvelous Paul Levinson (@PaulLev) about his novella 'Loose Ends'. (link to Amazon)Check out the event here:
As Mr. Levinson puts it: 'Time travel has always been my first passion as a reader and then writer of science fiction.'
We discussed some of the Universal fascinations that all of humanity seems to possess, regardless of culture or geography. Time Travel, Religion, Immortality, Flight (without machinery), Telepathy, Magic in all it's forms, etc.
Time Travel seems to be one of the human desires that sparks endless debates and speculations from virtually everyone. Sometimes in jest, other times very seriously.
Why is that?
Is it because we're 'aware' of time's passing? We can change so many things about our environment but not change what has already happened. Yet because we're aware that there is a yesterday, we seem to gravitate to it, seek it out like a lost love one. 'If only I could do that over...'
So check out the event and Mr. L's books. I'll be posting a review this weekend.
Unless of course there is Time Travel. In which case my future self will come back and write it now.... ;-)