Arlo and Jake: Galactic Boot Camp

Book 2 in the Arlo and Jake SciFi Adventure series!

The adventure continues as our heroes are shipped to Camp Balator, a Federation of Thirteen Galaxies (FTG) boot camp, reserved for the cream of the crop recruits. The training is designed to push recruits to their limits and beyond. 

Jake and Arlo meet new friends and become part of a Triad, a group of three recruits and their partners. Together they struggle to make it through the intensive training and get back to the FTG Triumph, where their sweethearts, Pixie and Leeta, eagerly await their return. 

But there are other forces in the Universe who have nefarious plans for the prestigious camp; deadly plans. 

Can Jake make it through boot camp a second time or is he headed for another Captain's Mast? 

Can they even make it out alive? 

Why does danger always seems to follow our intrepid duo? 

Arlo and Jake Galactic Boot Camp on Amazon

Arlo and Jake Galactic Boot Camp on Barnes and Noble

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