Winter 2021
It's a cold, cloudy morning in North Texas.
Ol' Man Winter is settling into his chair, wrapping a shawl around his brittle, bone cold neck.
T'aint 100 anymore, anymore
T'aint 100 anymore, my friend
I can walk to the mailbox without puttin' on SPF100
I can drive my car with the windows down and the A/C off
T'anit 100 anymore, anymore
T'aint 100 anymore, Amen!
I don't need shoes to walk on the grass
I don't need a hat to mow that grass
T'anit 100 anymore, anymore
T'aint 100 anymore, young man
No more burning my butt on the car seat
I can actually use the swing on my patio!
Let's hear it for Fall, y'all!!
I'm 66
Well, I made it to 66
My bladder has shrunk to the size of a pea
My head has hair that is quite spare
My vision is fuzzy
My hearing is buzzy
My knees knock in rhythm
with the snap, crackle pop of my spine
My teeth are leaving, one at a time
My ears grow more hair than my head
Flickering past my bar-b-que grill
Faster than a speeding horny-toad
Body raised on tipy toes
Like the tiles are hot, hot, hot!
Dark green and black checkered
Light green with blue stripes
A pair of cousins chasing the warmth
Of my patio haven
ICU blues
I hope that I shall never see
A hairy flea with knobby knees
A pirate fly, patch oe'r one eye
That says 'Arrgghh' and steals my pie
A large blue frog with yellow tongue
Playing a fiddle too tightly strung
Cause if I see these silly things
I'm back in the ICU where monitors sing
Roses are weird
Rose are red
Violets purple
Whenever I drink
The world gets all gurple
My eyes start to flipple
My ears try to flapple
My nose squeaks and zingles
My tongue twists like twizzles
So many tweets
So little time
If only I could concentrate
And make this thing rhyme!
Roses are red
Violets blue
Enjoy the moments
Life has given you
Don't be cranky
Don't be sad
Don't waste your time
Thinking of the bad
Be happy for now.
Enjoy a deep breath.
Listen to nothing, just for a moment.
Remember a friend.
Say 'Hello' to a neighbor.
Be happy for now.
Am I Dreaming?
The more I dream
The more I write
Of burning days
And shattered nights
Are dreams more real
Than stressful life?
Life is like a Bumbler Bee
It flits from bush to bush
And if one isn't careful, well
It will bite you on the tush!
To 'tweet' is sweet
Friends to meet
The message fleet
I think it's neat
Now to repeat....
I Think
I think that I shall never see
A poem as lovely as a flea
It hops, it pops, it jumps along
Humming a silly, carefree song.
I think that I will shall never see
a lucid thought on my TV
The channel where I can find
A thought that feeds my hungry mind
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