Sunday, January 10, 2021

2021 Starts off Rocky but...

This is a writer's blog so I'll forego talking about 6 Jan. I've tweeted while angry before and regretted my tone and words so I won't fall into that trap here. My prayers go out to the family of Officer Sicknick. And all who lost their lives senselessly.

I sincerely hope you and your loved ones are doing well in the ongoing Covid pandemic. Don't forget to check on every neighbor in your area. Just leave a note if you don't know them. Deb and baked some pumpkin bread and went door to door. Even a little thing like this makes a big difference in people's lives. 

Writing has been slow. I'm waiting for the final edit of 'Arlo and Jake' book 5 before booting it out the door. Hopefully 'soon'. ;-)

I've been looking through my 'next' list for some inspiration. I don't know. Short story(ies) to Magazines? A different kind of novel, ie: not SciFi?

I need to update and clean up this blog too. I've left things pretty stagnant. Like everyone else it's sometimes hard to muster up any enthusiasm. 

On a positive note, I see the light at the end of the tunnel on Covid with the vaccines out. I'm disappointed that the rollout has been so poor, given the months of preparation time they've had. There is blame to go around, but blame won't get it fixed.

Stay safe. Wear your mask, Social distance, Wash your hands often. We WILL get back to normal.