Sunday, July 12, 2015

New challenges and opportunities

It's the middle of July in North Texas and it's finally getting HOT! ;-) The flood waters are starting to recede and the lakes are inching their way down from record overflow levels. My lawn looks super and we even finished the pergola patio with the swing! Whoo Hoo!

The last few months have both flashed and crawled by, depending on what I was doing at the time. The older I get, the more I think about time and the less I have of it. God has a strange sense of humor. It's another thing she and I will discuss when I get to the pearly gates and ask for an audience. I'm sure she'll see me, if for no other reason than to replay all the stupid things I've done here on Earth. She's probably getting a big chuckle out of my optimism right now.

I finally finished and launched book three of my SciFi series 'Arlo and Jake', called 'Lost Partner'. From the reviews I've gotten, I think I finally have the pacing and dialog down and I'm doing a better job of letting my characters do the 'showing' instead of just telling the reader what's happening. I still struggle with my screenplay vs novel writing.

You see, 'Genome' was originally a screenplay back in 2006. When I failed to get any attention for it in Hollywood (surprise, surprise!) I decided to convert it to a novel. Even now I rework it occasionally, trying to make it less of a director's script and more of a true novel. (NOTE: Hey Hollywood, I'm still up for a movie deal! ;-)

I also launched my first novelette or stand alone short story, 'Etchings'. It's available on Kindle and Smashwords if you're interested (please! ;-). Instead of hopping right onto book four of the Arlo and Jake series I decided to try finishing and publishing a few of short stories. 'Etchings' created a little buzz for me and I'm hoping it will catch on and introduce readers to my other books.

My next short is 'Walk with Me'. It's about half finished. I expect to publish it in a month or two. Then it's back to Arlo and Jake or maybe improve Genome or maybe a kid's spin off from Genome I have in mind.


I have lots of new writing opportunities just waiting for my attention. So do you. Just sit down and work out the top story that is nagging for you attention and go do it. If other ideas come to you, great! Write down a quick synopsis and add them to your list of Todos. Then go back and work on that top story. Finish it. Love it. Pamper it. But don't let go of it until it's birthed.

Be Cool.
Be Happy.
Just Be.