My Muse stuck around all week! Thank you, Missy! It started on Sunday and continued through the week, ideas flowing easily from Mind to Manuscript.
On an weird urge I wrote a quick 700 word story from my childhood and submitted it to a 'way back when' magazine. We'll see.
I've made good progress on 'Special Intel', book #5 of my SciFi series 'The Adventures of Arlo and Jake'. Major characters are in place, the plot is smoothing out and I've stumbled onto a few side plots and secondary characters! Love when the little guys peek around the corner of my imagination and say 'Me! Me! Pick me!'.
I had a great Wednesday with a cool group of guys I call the OFPC, the Old Farts Pinochle Club. We show up at a members house around 10:00 for some healthy snacks, like donuts, muffins and a fruit tray. The fruit tray is plastic so we concentrate on the real food. We joke around, pretending we know all about the politics and religious nonsense we spout.
Around 1 PM we tally up the scores, announce the winners and head off for lunch. More BS is spread generously around the table while we feed on more healthy food and drink. I love these guys. We don't agree on everything, but we do enjoy each other's company.
The rest of the week I've been writing a couple of hours a day. Feels good.
Here's a little humor for you.