Thursday, July 9, 2020

Writing in isolation

I'm fortunate to have a 'man cave' den in my house, where I can read, write and just think. This desk is over 25 years old, something I bought in Longmont, CO WAY back when I was just starting to play round with writing.

I can close the door to my den, tell Alexa to play some smooth jazz and lose myself in my writing. Or lean back in my chair and get lost in Naval History books (just finished Samuel Eliot Morison's 'The Two Ocean war'), sipping a tumbler of bourbon and snacking on some cookies.

You can't tell from the picture, but I also collect SciFi and Fantasy Art books like the 'Spectrum' series. Some days I just scan through the amazing artwork and let my imagination take a trip. I get ideas from stories sometimes as I lose myself in the images.

I AM a lucky Dude and I know it. But it wasn't always like this. I've 'worked' on software projects, hardware projects, balsa models and writing inside spare closets, on the couch and the kitchen table. It doesn't really matter, as I'm sure my fellow writers know. Once you dive into a story the world seems to reconfigure around you, your characters and environment swirl around you, blocking out the real world.

I've found my writing has blossomed in this imposed isolation. I put my head down in the story line and then hours later look up, amazed at how fast time has flow. With fewer commitments there is more time to play with my heroes and villains.

I hope you've had good luck with your writing as well. I'm looking forward to hearing from my current writing friends and some new authors.

Keep writing!