I took a short breather after launching 'Arlo and Jake: Special Intel', my 5th book in that series.
It's been pretty well received, I'm thrilled! You never know how a series release will go. I purposefully keep my novels 'minimal', less than 250/300 pages. I find the massive trilogies difficult to keep focused on, even the really good ones like LOTR and the Jack Reacher books. Love them both but I have to take breaks between books.
I'm not ready to start up on book 6 of the series, though I do have the beginnings of an outline that I break open now and again.
So now I'm trying to finalize a couple of short stories that I hope to submit to Analog or Asimov or maybe some other magazine. Wish me luck.
One of the stories centers around mankind's search for life in the Universe. It's something that I've playing with for months. I'm hoping that my unique take on the quest will spark interest from one of the magazines. Selling a story to a magazine would open me up to a much wider readership! Don't really care about the money (right...), but to be able to see my work in a magazine would also be a huge ego boost right now. ;-)
I also have short outlines for books that continue the story line I started with 'Genome' the novel. These stories involve the AI 'Pip' I created to help my main characters look for medical cures. The gymnasium sized holo-deck is a great 'enabler' tool I created to help. With it you can walk around and interact with a hologram of molecules and more importantly with human DNA!
These stories will take off where 'Genome' ended.
I've also got a YA story based on parts of Genome. I can't decide which to start first. I've never done a YA book, it might be time to try my hand at it!
Keep writing, my friends, and checkout my book links!!