I had a medical event that has put a short pause to my writing. It was one of those scary things that most of us Old Farts of 70 years dread, but know is looming out there in the Universe.
Well, the prognosis is good. I'm going to see a specialist soon and see what he can do to clear up my aging body's ailments. I'm not the first to be in this position so he has lots of experience.
Maybe someday we'll be able to look back and say 'I can't believe people had to suffer with this!'
The way medicine is progressing these days, I have high hopes for this. I am constantly amazed by the health care advancements we make, seemingly on a daily basis. If you really stop and think about it, we live in incredible times.
In just the last 10 years, here are some advances I found:
- Human Genome discoveries that spot diseases with 'marker', early in life
- Vast improvements in Doc/Patient IT, allowing information storage online
- Anti-Smoking laws reduce smoking
- Heart disease deaths drop by 40 percent!!
- Stem Cell research is ramping up with high hopes to cure terrible diseases
- New cancer treatments
- Vaccine research that helped us mitigate and stop the COVID-19 pandemic!
There are many, many more. Spend a few minutes online and you'll be amazed. Every aspect of our health is being addressed by professionals around the world.
All this to say I'm so thankful for everyone who dedicates their lives and daily efforts to that noblest of pursuits, helping their fellow man.