OK. I'll admit it. It's been a challenge to push 'The Ballad of Bejus Fine' forward for the last few weeks. I had a week long stent in the hospital, suffering from a gall stone and its effect. Dark yellow jaundice skin and eyes and an infection in my 'common bile duct'. Yuck.
I'm doing OK now, but I have to get my gallbladder removed next week along with the removal of the stent they put in to dilate the tubes. Another yuck.
As I'm sure you know, especially if you're over 50, being in the hospital is both amazing and horrible. I didn't sleep for 8 days. Every 4 hours they had to draw blood to check my enzymes, etc. They ended up having to use the pediatric needles to draw sample from the back of hands! My veins rebelled after a while. Not fun.
I have nothing but praise and appreciation for the Nurses, Doctors and staff at the hospital. They had protocols to follow and tried their best to keep me comfortable and safe. The morphine helped a little... ;-)
So, I'm going to try to get past this bout as soon as possible and get back to my WIP, but I have a few more days of doctors, operations and stuff.
I've been keeping my thoughts about the story as an outline in the document so I haven't completely stalled.
Stay safe everyone. I'll be back to writing ASAP!
(credit Bill Watterson for summing up my status with a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon!)