Friday, March 16, 2018


I'm in the surgical waiting room, waiting for my wife to return from a minor surgery.

Outside the corner windows three flags wave slowly in the Texas wind. The oaks and the willows in the courtyard below are just sprouting their first spring buds.

Bright sunlight reflects off the pale painted roof and bricks, filling the wide room with softness and quiet.

We're at 'that age', where these things start to happen more often. I had heart surgery last year. Debbie's gall bladder decided to kick out a few stones. We both need to exercise more and eat better. Our bodies no longer adapt to our bad habits.

But it's OK. We're together. We have wonderful children and grandchildren. We love each other and like each other. We have our lives away from each other and with each other.

We make plans to travel and enjoy our time together.

The reality is for all the bad stuff that has happened and that will happen, we have each other and we can help each other through those times.

There are far more good times to enjoy and we'll help each other enjoy those as well.

Stop for a moment and be still, my friends. Take a slow breath. Focus on nothing. Be a child again for just a few moments. Life.

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