Wednesday, June 14, 2023

 First, please check out my book tabs on the right. That's where I pimp my books! 

I've been writing and publishing since 2006. My first book was 'Genome', a biotech thriller with a paranormal backstory. That's right, I mixed genres and it WORKS! ;-)

Next, I'm back!! My 'medical event' was a stroke and then a 'carotid endarterectomy' to clean out some plaque that blocked the blood flow by 75%! The Spice must Flow! ('Dune' lovers out there?) I look like Frankenstein's Monster on the left side. Didn't really affect my handsome looks that much. I think it adds a bit of charm, actually. Nothing like a 7 inch scar to add a little pizzaz to your face! ;-)

For the not faint of heart, go google that procedure on YouTube. It's unbelievable what medicine can do these days! I'm not a faint-at-the-sight-of-blood kinda guy, so I find these things fascinating. We've come such a long way from the discovery in the 19th century that tagged germs as something that affects illnesses. We knew about germs themselves in the 17th century.

I did some research about the procedure and turns out that the first successful carotid endarterectomies were performed in the early '50s! I'm so lucky to have been born in '52.

A personal note to everyone out there to pay attention to your body! Talk to your doctor about symptoms of stroke, heart attack, vascular issues, etc! Your doctor can only help you IF you talk to them about changes in your day-to-day feelings.

And eat a Mediterranean-style 'diet' for crying out loud! It's plenty delicious and varied and it WILL help keep you healthy with a little exercise on your part. Burgers and steaks are great occasionally. I enjoy a platter of Red Robbin's Cajun Clucks and Fries once in a while, too.

Writing has been spotty, considering I was in and out of the ER and then the hospital for the surgery. I'm working on Episode 9 of my new Amazon 'Vella story, 'Auntie Renita's Martian Motel'. I need to move that story to conclusion in the coming months. PLEASE go check out my 2 stories on 'Vella, I need to see some feedback on that new platform. The first few Episodes are FREE!!!


Auntie Renita's Martian Motel


After I finish 'Auntie Renita's, I'm going to pickup on a couple of stories I put on the back burner a while back.

Keep writing, my Friends!!


  1. Glad you made it through all that! Sounds scary. Working a very sedentary style job myself has led me back into the gym these past years, with this year marking a huge change in my diet. It's amazing how good you can feel if you do the simple things take care of yourself. :)

    1. Yes, diet makes a big diff in how you feel and how your body functions. We're back on our Mediterranean diet now and I've lost pounds as well. Just a simple daily routine of 20 minutes of aerobics and/or walking is all it takes. Thanks for viewing the post!
